West Viriginia Seniors Rally Behind Tennant

Press Release

Date: Sept. 5, 2014
Location: Charleston, WV

West Virginia seniors and their families came together in Charleston today to launch the "Seniors for Natalie' coalition in support of Natalie Tennant's campaign for United States Senate.

Tennant says that she will fight everyday in the United States Senate to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security for West Virginia seniors, just like her father. Tennant will never break the promise of Medicare and Social Security or balance a budget on the backs of West Virginia seniors.

"When I think about Medicare and Social Security, I think about my 86 year-old dad on the farm and the thousands of West Virginia seniors just like him who depend on these vital programs," Tennant said. "West Virginia seniors work all their lives for the promise of Medicare and Social Security, and we owe it to them to ensure that a promise made is a promise kept. Gutting Medicare and privatizing Social Security should never be on the table."

Today's event highlighted the Wall Street vs. Main Street contrast in this election. While Tennant will preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security for West Virginia seniors, her opponent, Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito, has taken aim at these vital programs in order to pad the pockets of millionaires like herself and benefit Wall Street bankers like her husband.
